Case Study Group: Based on FEP-KLTSA Business Challenge

Why is culture important? According to Arthur Asa Berger, the term culture comes from a French term that is in turn derived from the Latin word "colere" which means to tend to the earth and grow, or cultivation and nurture (Pappas & McKelvie, 2022). Culture can be defined as a way of life. It describes the shared behaviors, norms, values, and beliefs of a group of people. In a company, the culture reflects how employees, customers, vendors, and stakeholders experience the organization (Wong, 2023). Peter Thiel argued that culture is crucial because it can be more influential than strategy. A strong culture produces a successful company as it influences the decisions of employees and how they communicate with others. Having a sense of shared culture guides the employees in the same direction towards the same objectives, encouraging unity and focus. According to an employee from IBM, it was persistent adherence to the three core values of the company: respect for the indi...